/* global jsPDF */
* @license
* Copyright (c) 2014 Steven Spungin (TwelveTone LLC) steven@twelvetone.tv
* Licensed under the MIT License.
* http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
* jsPDF Annotations PlugIn
* There are many types of annotations in a PDF document. Annotations are placed
* on a page at a particular location. They are not 'attached' to an object.
* <br />
* This plugin current supports <br />
* <li> Goto Page (set pageNumber and top in options)
* <li> Goto Name (set name and top in options)
* <li> Goto URL (set url in options)
* <p>
* The destination magnification factor can also be specified when goto is a page number or a named destination. (see documentation below)
* (set magFactor in options). XYZ is the default.
* </p>
* <p>
* Links, Text, Popup, and FreeText are supported.
* </p>
* <p>
* Options In PDF spec Not Implemented Yet
* <li> link border
* <li> named target
* <li> page coordinates
* <li> destination page scaling and layout
* <li> actions other than URL and GotoPage
* <li> background / hover actions
* </p>
* @name annotations
* @module
Destination Magnification Factors
See PDF 1.3 Page 386 for meanings and options
XYZ (options; left top zoom)
Fit (no options)
FitH (options: top)
FitV (options: left)
[not supported]
(function (jsPDFAPI) {
'use strict';
var notEmpty = function (obj) {
if (typeof obj != 'undefined') {
if (obj != '') {
return true;
jsPDF.API.events.push(['addPage', function (addPageData) {
var pageInfo = this.internal.getPageInfo(addPageData.pageNumber);
pageInfo.pageContext.annotations = [];
jsPDFAPI.events.push(['putPage', function (putPageData) {
var getHorizontalCoordinateString = this.internal.getCoordinateString;
var getVerticalCoordinateString = this.internal.getVerticalCoordinateString;
var pageInfo = this.internal.getPageInfoByObjId(putPageData.objId);
var pageAnnos = putPageData.pageContext.annotations;
var found = false;
for (var a = 0; a < pageAnnos.length && !found; a++) {
var anno = pageAnnos[a];
switch (anno.type) {
case 'link':
if (notEmpty(anno.options.url) || notEmpty(anno.options.pageNumber)) {
found = true;
case 'reference':
case 'text':
case 'freetext':
found = true;
if (found == false) {
this.internal.write("/Annots [");
for (var i = 0; i < pageAnnos.length; i++) {
var anno = pageAnnos[i];
switch (anno.type) {
case 'reference':
// References to Widget Annotations (for AcroForm Fields)
this.internal.write(' ' + anno.object.objId + ' 0 R ');
case 'text':
// Create a an object for both the text and the popup
var objText = this.internal.newAdditionalObject();
var objPopup = this.internal.newAdditionalObject();
var title = anno.title || 'Note';
var rect = "/Rect [" + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y + anno.bounds.h) + " " + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + anno.bounds.w) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y) + "] ";
line = '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /' + 'Text' + ' ' + rect + '/Contents (' + anno.contents + ')';
line += ' /Popup ' + objPopup.objId + " 0 R";
line += ' /P ' + pageInfo.objId + " 0 R";
line += ' /T (' + title + ') >>';
objText.content = line;
var parent = objText.objId + ' 0 R';
var popoff = 30;
var rect = "/Rect [" + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + popoff) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y + anno.bounds.h) + " " + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + anno.bounds.w + popoff) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y) + "] ";
line = '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /' + 'Popup' + ' ' + rect + ' /Parent ' + parent;
if (anno.open) {
line += ' /Open true';
line += ' >>';
objPopup.content = line;
this.internal.write(objText.objId, '0 R', objPopup.objId, '0 R');
case 'freetext':
var rect = "/Rect [" + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y) + " " + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.x + anno.bounds.w) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.bounds.y + anno.bounds.h) + "] ";
var color = anno.color || '#000000';
line = '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /' + 'FreeText' + ' ' + rect + '/Contents (' + anno.contents + ')';
line += ' /DS(font: Helvetica,sans-serif 12.0pt; text-align:left; color:#' + color + ')';
line += ' /Border [0 0 0]';
line += ' >>';
case 'link':
if (anno.options.name) {
var loc = this.annotations._nameMap[anno.options.name];
anno.options.pageNumber = loc.page;
anno.options.top = loc.y;
} else {
if (!anno.options.top) {
anno.options.top = 0;
var rect = "/Rect [" + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.x) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.y) + " " + getHorizontalCoordinateString(anno.x + anno.w) + " " + getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.y + anno.h) + "] ";
var line = '';
if (anno.options.url) {
line = '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /Link ' + rect + '/Border [0 0 0] /A <</S /URI /URI (' + anno.options.url + ') >>';
} else if (anno.options.pageNumber) {
// first page is 0
var info = this.internal.getPageInfo(anno.options.pageNumber);
line = '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /Link ' + rect + '/Border [0 0 0] /Dest [' + info.objId + " 0 R";
anno.options.magFactor = anno.options.magFactor || "XYZ";
switch (anno.options.magFactor) {
case 'Fit':
line += ' /Fit]';
case 'FitH':
line += ' /FitH ' + anno.options.top + ']';
case 'FitV':
anno.options.left = anno.options.left || 0;
line += ' /FitV ' + anno.options.left + ']';
case 'XYZ':
var top = getVerticalCoordinateString(anno.options.top);
anno.options.left = anno.options.left || 0;
// 0 or null zoom will not change zoom factor
if (typeof anno.options.zoom === 'undefined') {
anno.options.zoom = 0;
line += ' /XYZ ' + anno.options.left + ' ' + top + ' ' + anno.options.zoom + ']';
if (line != '') {
line += " >>";
* @name createAnnotation
* @function
* @param {Object} options
jsPDFAPI.createAnnotation = function (options) {
var pageInfo = this.internal.getCurrentPageInfo();
switch (options.type) {
case 'link':
this.link(options.bounds.x, options.bounds.y, options.bounds.w, options.bounds.h, options);
case 'text':
case 'freetext':
* Create a link
* valid options
* <li> pageNumber or url [required]
* <p>If pageNumber is specified, top and zoom may also be specified</p>
* @name link
* @function
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} w
* @param {number} h
* @param {Object} options
jsPDFAPI.link = function (x, y, w, h, options) {
var pageInfo = this.internal.getCurrentPageInfo();
x: x,
y: y,
w: w,
h: h,
options: options,
type: 'link'
* Currently only supports single line text.
* Returns the width of the text/link
* @name textWithLink
* @function
* @param {string} text
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {number} width the width of the text/link
jsPDFAPI.textWithLink = function (text, x, y, options) {
var width = this.getTextWidth(text);
var height = this.internal.getLineHeight() / this.internal.scaleFactor;
this.text(text, x, y, options);
//TODO We really need the text baseline height to do this correctly.
// Or ability to draw text on top, bottom, center, or baseline.
y += height * .2;
this.link(x, y - height, width, height, options);
return width;
//TODO move into external library
* @name getTextWidth
* @function
* @param {string} text
* @returns {number} txtWidth
jsPDFAPI.getTextWidth = function (text) {
var fontSize = this.internal.getFontSize();
var txtWidth = this.getStringUnitWidth(text) * fontSize / this.internal.scaleFactor;
return txtWidth;
return this;